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Review-urile lui Diablo 4 spun că jocul este foarte bun

5 Jun 2023  ·


4 comentarii

Am citit diverse review-uri pentru Diablo 4. Jocul se lansează oficial pe 6 iunie, dar publicațiile au primit de la Blizzard exemplare din timp.

Review-urile sunt bune. Diablo 4 pare un joc bun, chiar foarte bun. Îl găsiți pe Battle.net, PlayStation Store, eMAG.


Mai jos sunt citate din Gamespot, Digital Trends și IGN.

Diablo IV’s surprisingly moving and engrossing story encapsulates gameplay systems that have learnt all the right lessons from entries past.

A bold new step for hack-n-slash RPGs.

A masterful ARPG that’s diabolically hard to put down.

About 20 hours of well-written quests, frantic open-world events, and mindless dungeon crawls later, my buffed-up level 35 Druid had already traipsed across all five of the open-world zones and somehow had yet to even approach the first quest of the first act of the main story.

In the time it took me to reach the cusp of level 50, I beat the majority of the main story and saw plenty of grim tales come to life with personal writing and engaging voice acting befitting a big-ticket RPG.

Diablo 4 strides out of the gate with an impressive blend of engrossing storytelling, engaging gameplay, and top-tier audio-visual design. As a result, it stands as a groundbreaking addition to the ARPG genre, despite my hovering concerns about its compulsory persistent multiplayer and potential future microtransactions.

Through seemingly complex mechanical wizardry, Diablo 4 competently walks the line between making enemies feel consistently challenging no matter where you go or what level your character is, and it still makes you feel a palpable sense of improvement when your character is fully leveled up and has all of their skills.

When it comes to the things that really matter in the long run like combat, buildcrafting, hunting for gear, and especially the endgame, Diablo 4 absolutely knocks it out of the park in practically every way. Even if they aren’t perfectly balanced, all five character classes are a ton of fun to play as.

The finely-tuned combat, extensive build options across each class, stellar graphics, and strong live-service foundation are all among the most impressive in the genre, and the endgame activities and grind are so well thought out that I struggle to find any fault in them

The moment-to-moment action in Diablo IV is one of its strongest traits, which is for the best given how genre-defining the series has been over the years. There’s an argument to be made that Diablo III went too far in the direction of simplification, and that’s exactly where the Diablo IV course-corrects in smart ways.

Diablo IV, at this time, cannot escape comparison to the past of the franchise it belongs to, but it’s thankfully a game that has been crafted with a strong awareness of what made each one either revered or reviled. It represents a measured approach to combining the many elements from previous entries that worked into a system that feels like the new standard-bearer for action role-playing. Coupled with a new benchmark for storytelling in the franchise, and a solid narrative foundation for any potential new adventures, it’s easy to see Diablo IV as something I’ll regularly check-in on for a long time to come.


Engadget are cel mai dur review. Se plâng că unele dungeon-uri sunt repetitive, la fel și unele side quest-uri de genul “salvează niște săteni rătăciți.”

De asemenea, toate menționează că încă nu au văzut partea de microtranzacții și in-game shop, deși Blizzard se jură că pe acolo vei cumpăra doar elemente pentru aspectul personajului, nu ceva pay-to-win.

IGN spune și că povestea este fragmentată. Avansezi un pic în poveste, apoi petreci câteva ore explorând dungeon-uri secundare și făcând quest-uri neimportante.

Dincolo de acestea, însă, nu se mai plâng de altceva. Jocul rămâne foarte apreciat pentru gameplay, lupte, grafică, sunet, personaje și dialoguri de top în poveste.

asus s5507

    4 comentarii

  1. E făinuț jocul, putin repetitiv dar nu asta e problema ci ca m-a omorat Butcher de doua ori :(


  2. E foarte bun si sunt mirat ca serverele nu au “scartait” deloc pana acum. Vedem maine, cand se activeaza si versiunea de baza.


  3. Bun bun jocul.
    Am avut early game ca luasem ultimate edition.
    Pe PS5 a mers impecabil, asta jucand si in 2 persoane.
    Spre nororocul meu nu am avut queue times deloc.
    Pentru cei cu nostalgia de la old D2 recomand cu caldura acest D4.


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