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Seriale: Absența / Absentia pe AXN

19 Sep 2017  ·


6 comentarii

Rețineți data asta: luni 25 septembrie, ora 22. Atunci începe pe AXN noul serial Absența.

Am văzut deja, la o avanpremieră specială, primul episod și este foarte bun. Cred că-i cel mai bun serial făcut de AXN în ultimii ani, iar primul episod se termină și suficient de misterios încât voiam butonul “next episode”, cum m-am obișnuit pe streaming. Închipuiți-vă dezamăgirea mea când mi-am dat seama că voi avea de așteptat tocmai până pe 2 octombrie pentru un alt episod nou (pentru mine).

Intriga este următoarea (urmează niște spoilere, evident): o agentă FBI (Stana Katic, o știți din Castle și dintr-un James Bond) este răpită și toată lumea crede că-i moartă. Un criminal în serie este condamnat la închisoare pentru moartea ei. Soțul își reface viața, are o căsnicie fericită, copilul își iubește noua mamă.

Apoi, la 6 ani după dispariție, criminalul respectiv îl sună în toiul nopții pe soț, deși ar fi trebuit să fie la închisoare. Îi spune că are 60 de minute să-și salveze soția de unde era abandonată, în pădure. Soțul o salvează.

De aici începe cu adevărat povestea, acționând pe două planuri: cine a răpit-o și ținut-o 6 ani și de ce, plus problemele din planul familiei, soția revenită fiind acum în plus în acest triunghi amoros, cu un copil ce nu o ține minte și un câine crescut. Mai mult, criminalul în serie probabil că va fi eliberat, că victima pentru care fusese condamnat de fapt trăiește, dar toată lumea îl suspectează că e cumva implicat în treaba asta. Are ceva din Homeland în el, cu o revenire misterioasă după ani de prizonierat, din The Mentalist și căutarea unui criminal în serie foarte abil, și din genul filmelor cu mistere în orășele mici americane.

Povestea curge repede și în ritm bun, iar actorii sunt plăcuți. Mă voi uita cu siguranță.

    6 comentarii

  1. Oldboy?


  2. Asteptam…vezi ca si HBO aduce Tin Star apropo de orasele mici..


  3. Good point, thanks for the info !


  4. .. si tot in 24 intra si Star Trek Discovery..
    Oferta bogata toamna asta..cand am zis si noi ca ne lasam de seriale:

    “The Tick”

    Series Premiere: Friday, Aug. 25, on Amazon Video

    The Plot: In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with no superpowers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain. As he struggles to uncover this conspiracy, he falls in league with a strange blue superhero.

    The Buzz: While still a comedy, the new series is darker in tone and more geared to adults than the previous two versions, the animated series and the short-lived live action version starring Patrick Warburton. Tick creator Ben Edlund has had a hand in all three, so this may be less a re-imagining of the big blue superhero than a maturation.


    Series Premiere: Friday, Sept. 1, in IMAX theaters; Friday, Sept. 29, on ABC at 8 p.m. ET/PT

    The Plot: The Inhumans are a race of superhumans created as a result of alien experimentation with ancient Earth inhabitants. After a military coup splinters the Inhuman community, the survivors retreat to Hawaii where they attempt to rebuild in their new home.

    The Buzz: “Inhumans” is produced by Marvel Television, and distributed by ABC and IMAX. The first two episodes were shot with IMAX digital cameras, and will be released in IMAX cinemas.

    “The Orville”- Star Trek parodie..

    Series Premiere: Sunday, Sept. 10, on FOX at 8 p.m. ET/PT

    The Plot: A mid-level exploration starship and her crew traverse the galaxy and the daily travails of the interstellar workplace.

    The Buzz: “The Orville” is more than a blend of “Star Trek,” Galaxy Quest, and “The Family Guy.” It is, according to co-creator Seth MacFarlane, a return to the optimism of classic science fiction.

    “The Deuce”

    Series Premiere: Sunday, Sept. 10, on HBO at 9 p.m. ET/PT

    The Plot: “The Deuce” is set in New York in the 1970s and explores the issues of the time, including the legalization of pornography, the rise of HIV, the drug epidemic, and the impact on the community on and around 42nd Street in Manhattan.

    The Buzz: Created by David Simon, the man behind “The Wire,” “The Deuce” is inspired by the true story of a pair of twins who eventually became a Mob front for the Gambino family.
    Titles: The Deuce, I See Money, Episode #1.8
    People: James Franco, Zoe Kazan

    “Star Trek: Discovery”

    Series Premiere: Sunday, Sept. 24, on CBS at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT

    The Plot: “Star Trek: Discovery” takes place ten years before Kirk, Spock, and the USS Enterprise embarked on their five-year mission. Like the Enterprise, the USS Discovery explores new worlds, new life, and new civilizations. At the center of the story is not a captain, but the first officer, Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), the first human to attend the Vulcan Science Academy.

    The Buzz: This will be the first of the Star Trek series to focus on not just one, but two Starfleet ships: the USS Discovery and the USS Shenzhou. Series co-writer Nicholas Meyer has said that he and ex-showrunner Bryan Fuller consider Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country to be a narrative jumping off point for the new series.
    Titles: Star Trek: Discovery
    People: Sonequa Martin-Green

    “Young Sheldon”

    Series Premiere: Monday, Sept. 25, on CBS at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT

    The Plot: “Young Sheldon” chronicles the childhood and high school career of nine-year-old Sheldon Cooper, the socially awkward genius of “The Big Bang Theory.”

    The Buzz: “Young Sheldon” is more an origin story than a stand-alone spin-off. Future events as told in “The Big Bang Theory” will inform the plot as it develops, and there may even be story line crossovers.

    “The Good Doctor”

    Series Premiere: Monday, Sept. 25, on ABC at 10 p.m. ET/PT

    The Plot: A young surgeon with autism and Savant syndrome is recruited into the pediatric surgical unit of a prestigious hospital. Can a person who doesn’t have the ability to relate to people actually save their lives?

    The Buzz: “The Good Doctor” is based on the South Korean medical drama “Good Doctor,” which first aired in 2013.
    Titles: The Good Doctor
    People: Freddie Highmore

    “The Gifted”

    Series Premiere: Monday, Oct. 2, on FOX at 9 p.m. ET/PT

    The Plot: A family friendly story of an ordinary suburban couple whose lives are rocked by the sudden discovery that their children possess mutant powers. Forced to go on the run from a hostile government, the family joins up with an underground network of mutants and must fight to survive.

    The Buzz: “The Gifted” takes place in a world where the X-Men have vanished, and while their disappearance isn’t central to the show, it will be one of the ongoing premises of the story as it evolves.


    Series Premiere: Friday, Oct. 13, on Netflix

    The Plot: Two FBI agents work together to develop psychological profiles of convicted mass murderers in an effort to prevent future homicides.

    The Buzz: The show was inspired by the book “Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit,” a behind-the-scenes account of John E. Douglas’ 25-year career in the FBI and how he used psychological profiling to delve into the minds of serial killers and criminals to help solve their crimes…


  5. Mie mi se pare pierdere de timp, dar poate ii dau o sansa sa ma conving daca merita sa fie urmarit.

    Hai sa va recomad eu niste seriale cu adevarat bune, unele fiind complete deja: Boardwalk Empire, House of Cards, Fargo, Bloodline, The Son, Ozark, Billions, Animal Kingdom, Better call Saul, Poldark, Narcos, Peaky Blinders, Gomorra, Power, Gangland Undercover.


  6. Da, serialul este bun, astazi la 22:00 pe AXN episodul 2.
    Pentru cei care n-au vazut primul episod, iata-l aici online oferit chiar de AXN:


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