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Dupa ce a scris seria Harry Potter și s-a odihnit o vreme la umbra miliardelor de lire făcute de pe urma cărților și a filmelor, J.K. Rowling s-a apucat din nou de scris. CNN are detaliile următorului ei roman:
Rowling’s next book will be called “The Casual Vacancy,” publisher Little, Brown has announced.
A book description on the publisher’s site reveals that “The Casual Vacancy” will center on a town named Pagford, a seeming “English idyll” that’s thrown into shock after the unexpected death of 40-something Barry Fairweather.
The description presents Pagford as “a little town” that is not as calm as it might seem on the surface. Behind the “pretty facade is a town at war…Rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils.”
So when Fairweather’s passing leaves a vacancy on the parish council, that “empty seat…becomes the catalyst for the biggest war the town has yet seen” in the form of an “election fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations.”
Deci fără vrăjitori și SF-uri, ci un roman mai normal. Apare pe 27 septembrie.
via CNN Marque Blog.
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