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Somewhere in Iowa, a pig is being raised in a confined pen, packed in so tightly with other swine that their curly tails have been chopped off so they won’t bite one another. To prevent him from getting sick in such close quarters, he is dosed with antibiotics. The waste produced by the pig and his thousands of pen mates on the factory farm where they live goes into manure lagoons that blanket neighboring communities with air pollution and a stomach-churning stench. He’s fed on American corn that was grown with the help of government subsidies and millions of tons of chemical fertilizer. When the pig is slaughtered, at about 5 months of age, he’ll become sausage or bacon that will sell cheap, feeding an American addiction to meat that has contributed to an obesity epidemic currently afflicting more than two-thirds of the population. And when the rains come, the excess fertilizer that coaxed so much corn from the ground will be washed into the Mississippi River and down into the Gulf of Mexico, where it will help kill fish for miles and miles around. That’s the state of your bacon — circa 2009
E un citat dintr-un articol excelent din Time, numit Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Food, găsit via Boing Boing. Merită citit în cazul în care sunteţi curioşi să aflaţi ce mâncaţi și cum obţin lanţurile de fast-food mâncarea aşa ieftină şi de unde vine carnea. Ştiu, majoritatea veţi spune că ştiţi deja, că e despre animale înghesuite în condiţii inumane în abatoare, umflate cu hormoni de creştere şi tăiate pe bandă rulantă pentru a ajunge în hamburgerul de la McDonald’s sau în puiul de la KFC. Articolul e mai mult despre altceva, pe scurt:
Mă întreb când va face Michael Moore un film și despre așa ceva, are toate elementele unei conspirații mari, exact cum vrea el.
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2 comentarii
23/08/2009 la 12:45 AM
cam ce ai enumerat aici e descris in documentarul aparut vara asta, ‘Home’.
26/08/2009 la 11:41 AM
Adevarat, si eu am vazut documentarul care este foarte bine realizat si pe deasupra gratis de vazut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU.