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Am ras ieri uitandu-ma la niste explicatii de pe Urban Dictionary. Cautati si voi pe acolo ce va trece prin cap, sa vedeti ce explicatii aiurea gasiti la unele chestii. De exemplu:
Not having the ability to recognize homosexuals as homosexuals; a lack of gaydar.
“He was so homoblivious that he didn’t know that guy was coming on to him.“
1. pussy
The box a dick comes in
7. pussy
The prime motivating factor in any (straight) males life. Like oxygen, it’s only important if you’re not getting any. Lack thereof causing depression, anxiety, willingness to do any stupid stunt to get some, and a train of thought that focuses on little but the question of why you’re the only one on the planet not getting any.
1. Penis
The tool used to wean and convert lesbians and virgins into useful, productive members of society.
2. penis
Someone looking up the word “penis” at this site.
By reading this you are infact a penis.
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